How to Measure Your Corporate Wellness Program

Workplace Wellbeing
January 24, 2022
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If you are taking the time and effort to set up a corporate wellness program, you want to be able to make sure it is working. Employee wellness programs can be a significant investment of time, after all. But how do you measure something like employee wellbeing? This piece gives you some metrics to start with.

What is a Corporate Wellness Program?

For those not familiar with the term, looking up how to start an employee wellness program can sometimes be a little bit confusing. This isn’t surprising, given that most corporate wellness programs are designed to work for a specific company. Anything that a company does to promote employee wellbeing can fall under the banner of a corporate wellness program. 

This could include providing the facilities and opportunities for better physical health, such as paying for gym memberships or yoga classes. It could involve redesigning a workplace that is more employee-friendly, with plenty of natural life and places to nap. 

These can be seen as “passive” employee wellness programs. Many businesses, however, are looking to implement more active corporate wellness programs. These include things such as training in mindfulness and good mental fitness habits.

Of course, if you set up passive and active corporate wellness programs for your employees, you’ll hope that they’ll start providing results. But how do you measure those results? Mental fitness can be a hard thing to quantify, so you’ll need some metrics. Following is a list of those you can measure. 

#1 Applications

74% of employers say that having a wellness program has a positive impact on their ability to attract and retain talent. The number of applications you receive for positions can be an indicator that your corporate wellness program is at least working externally. You can gain even more information by surveying applicants. How important are employee wellness programs to them? Did they know about your employee wellness program? 

#2 Utilization

If you are providing a corporate wellness program, a good metric of its success is how many of your employees are using it. If employees don’t take advantage of their wellness options, then those wellness options might as well not exist. If employees aren’t using your corporate wellness program, it could mean that bad word of mouth is spreading about it – or that you haven’t given enough incentives or explanations. Conversely, if employees are asking for more employee wellness programs, you know you’ve got a winning system. 

#3 Sick Days 

If your corporate wellness program is working, you should see fewer employees taking time off of work due to burnout and stress. Improving mental fitness can even help improve physical fitness, further cutting down days off. You can use the number of sick days claimed before and after your corporate wellness programs were started as a way to judge if they made any impact. 

#4 Productivity 

If your employee wellness programs are working as intended, you should see an increase in productivity. While this might be harder to pin directly on your corporate wellness program (comparative to Sick Days), this is still a useful metric to follow. Productivity is a major reason that many businesses set up their corporate wellness programs in the first place. 

#5 Just Ask!

Now, you don’t want to pester your employees with endless surveys. But doing a few surveys and feedback polls once in a while can be a good way to get your finger on the pulse of how your employee wellness programs are doing. 

Overwhelming, employees love Liberate’s corporate wellness program. 100% of program participants report gaining valuable skills for work, and employees see improvements to their wellbeing, confidence, and productivity. To get an idea of what Liberate can do for your business, make sure to check out our case study

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