Community Care

Liv’s Letters
October 7, 2021
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We led a beautiful Wine + Wellness Workshop in person in LA recently, and we focused our exercises on community – how we can lean on our communities to support our well-being, and give back simultaneously.

Some of us felt like we could use more inspiration on how to take care of others and let them know we care about them and here to support them. This list rounds up some of the wonderful ideas we shared at the workshop, plus a few more to inspire you to prioritize well-being for you and your community.

Ways to Take Care

  1. Write a letter

  2. Send a postcard from your hometown or a vacation

  3. FaceTime to check in with a friend

  4. When the friend doesn’t pick up, keep trying them until you connect

  5. Venmo a friend $5 for coffee

  6. Support a friends’ small business

  7. Send your loved ones a text letting them know you’re thinking about them

  8. When you’re spending time with someone, avoid multi-tasking

  9. Plan a special day for a loved one who’s always taking care of you and putting you first

  10. Tell your mom you appreciate their constant love and support (this one’s for me)

  11. Cook a meal for your partner, especially if they typically cook for you!

  12. Help a co-worker with a project when they’re feeling overwhelmed

  13. Ask someone how they’re doing, and then ask follow up questions

  14. If you have a kind thought about someone, let them know

  15. Bring your neighbors’ packages to their door when you see them in the lobby

Save and share the graphic below for more ideas and let us know how you prioritize your well-being! Comment below to inspire more actions of gratitude.

September IG Graphics.png

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