The truth about rejection

Liv’s Letters
January 23, 2022
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When is the last time you got rejected?

I’ll go first.  

5 minutes ago when I asked a friend to go on a hike and they weren’t free.

Yesterday when a VC said we weren’t a good fit.

The day before that.

And the day before that. 

To be honest, it was a hard week. I blamed Mercury in Retrograde and felt a little bad for myself. 

Then I listened to this podcast that reminded me that I can reframe rejection. That nothing actually changes when you get rejected, your circumstances don’t get worse, they simply stay the same. 

The only way to change our circumstances is to put ourselves out there in the first place and yes, risk getting rejected.

I spent the rest of the week learning about rejection. Listening to podcasts, watching YouTube videos, and talking to friends about it.

Now I have decided that I WANT to be rejected. In fact I want to be rejected every single day. Because everyone I look up to, every great leader who changed the world for the better, dealt with constant rejection and relied on their resilience and courage and confidence (hello, mental muscles) to press on and achieve their goals. 

If you’re dealing with rejection, CONGRATULATIONS! Good for you for putting yourself out there. Keep doing it. It will pay off. And know that you’re not alone, I’m right there with you.

Resources for rejection: 

1. This 10 minute podcast episode

2. An incredibly inspiring Ted Talk

3. Twitter (I’m new on the bird and posting tips daily)

With love and light,  Liv

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