One of the questions I get asked the most after going on Shark Tank is “how were you so confident up there!?”
A lot of people were blown away that I was able to stand confidently in front of some of the worlds’ most successful entrepreneurs and take the heat without flinching. No matter what the Sharks said or how they said it, I had an answer ready, full of composure and free of nerves.
The truth is, preparation = confidence
If you walk into a meeting and haven’t prepared, don’t know what you’re presenting, and aren’t sure how to answer questions, then nerves kick in, doubt hums in your voice, and confidence disappears.
If you walk into a meeting and know you have done everything possible to set yourself up for success, you’re confident. You GOT this. You know your pitch by heart, you know the personalities of your audience, and you have an answer to every question.
That’s what I did for Shark Tank. I studied non-stop for months. I researched every Shark and curated points for each of them. AND, I journaled. I meditated. I practiced mindfulness and visualizations and affirmations. Because I knew that if I felt resilient, present, courageous, you name it, no one could shake me.
And know that it takes time and hard work to build confidence. I work out my mind every single day and have for years. 2016 me would not have been able to handle Shark Tank, she can’t believe how mentally fit I am now.
You can and will get stronger, I promise.
Exercises for confidence
Breathwork Workshop
Body Compassion Program
With love and light,